KEGG Pathways ============= Diagrams of molecular interactions, reactions, and relations. **Inputs** - Data: Data set. - Reference: Referential data set. **Outputs** - Selected Data: Data subset. - Unselected Data: Remaining data. **KEGG Pathways** widget displays diagrams of molecular interactions, reactions and relations from the [KEGG Pathways Database]( It takes data on gene expression as an input, matches the genes to the biological processes and displays a list of corresponding pathways. To explore the pathway, the user can click on any process from the list or arrange them by P-value to get the most relevant processes at the top. ![](images/kegg_pathways/KEGG-Pathways-stamped.png) 1. Information on the input genes. 2. If you have a separate reference set in the input, tick *From signal* to use these data as reference. 3. To have pathways listed and displayed by vertical descent, tick *Show pathways in full orthology*. 4. To fit the image to screen, tick *Resize to fit*. Untick the box if you wish to explore the pathways. 5. To clear all locally cached KEGG data, press *Clear cache*. 6. When *Auto commit is on*, the widget will automatically apply the changes. Alternatively press *Commit*. 7. A list of pathways either as processes or in full orthology. Click on the process to display the pathway. You can sort the data by P-value to get the most relevant results at the top. Example ------- This simple example shows how to visualize interactions with **KEGG Pathways**. We have loaded the *Caffeine effect: time courses and dose response* (GDS2914) data with the **GEO Data Sets** widget. Then we have observed the pathways in **KEGG Pathways**. We have used reference from signal and selected *AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications*. ![](images/kegg_pathways/KEGG-Pathways-Example.png)