GO Browser ========== Provides access to Gene Ontology database. **Inputs** - Cluster Data: Data on clustered genes. - Reference Data: Data with genes for the reference set (optional). **Outputs** - Data on Selected Genes: Data on genes from the selected GO node. - Enrichment Report: Data on GO enrichment analysis. **GO Browser** widget provides access to [Gene Ontology database](http://geneontology.org/). Gene Ontology (GO) classifies genes and gene products to terms organized in a graph structure called an ontology. The widget takes any data on genes as an input (it is best to input statistically significant genes, for example from the output of the **Differential Expression** widget) and shows a ranked list of GO terms with p-values. This is a great tool for finding biological processes that are over- or under-represented in a particular gene set. The user can filter input data by selecting terms in a list. ![](images/go_browser/GO-Browser-stamped.png) **INPUT tab** 1. Information on the input data set. *Ontology/Annotation Info* reports the current status of the GO database. 2. Select the reference. You can either have the *entire genome* as reference or a *reference set* from the input. 3. Select the ontology where you want to calculate the enrichment. There are three *Aspect* options: - [Biological process](http://geneontology.org/page/biological-process-ontology-guidelines) - [Cellular component](http://geneontology.org/page/cellular-component-ontology-guidelines)) - [Molecular function](http://geneontology.org/page/molecular-function-ontology-guidelines) 4. A ranked tree (upper pane) and list (lower pane) of GO terms for the selected aspect: - **GO term** - **Cluster**: number of genes from the input that are also annotated to a particular GO term (and its proportion in all the genes from that term). - **Reference**: number of genes that are annotated to a particular GO term (and its proportion in the entire genome). - **P-value**: probability of seeing as many or more genes at random. The closer the p-value is to zero, the more significant a particular GO term is. Value is written in [e notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_notation#E_notation)). - **FDR**: [false discovery rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_discovery_rate) - a multiple testing correction that means a proportion of false discoveries among all discoveries up to that FDR value. - **Genes**: genes in a biological process. - [Enrichment](http://geneontology.org/page/go-enrichment-analysis) level ![](images/go_browser/Filter-Select.png) **FILTER tab** 1. *Filter GO Term Nodes* by: - **Genes** is a minimal number of genes mapped to a term - **P-value** is a max term p-value - **FDR**: is a max term [false discovery rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_discovery_rate) 2. *Significance test* specifies distribution to use for null hypothesis: - [Binomial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution): use a binomial distribution - [Hypergeometric](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergeometric_distribution): use a hypergeometric distribution 3. [Evidence codes in annotation](http://geneontology.org/page/guide-go-evidence-codes) show how the annotation to a particular term is supported. **SELECT tab** 4. *Annotated genes* outputs genes that are: - **Directly or Indirectly** annotated (direct and inherited annotations) - **Directly** annotated (inherited annotations won't be in the output) 5. *Output*: - **All selected genes**: outputs genes annotated to all selected GO terms - **Term-specific genes**: outputs genes that appear in only one of selected GO terms - **Common term genes**: outputs genes common to all selected GO terms - **Add GO Term as class**: adds GO terms as class attribute Example ------- In the example below we have used **GEO Data Sets** widget, in which we have selected *Caffeine effects: time course and dose response* data set, and connected it to a **Differential Expression**. Differential analysis allows us to select genes with the highest statistical relevance (we used ANOVA scoring and agent label) and feed them to **GO Browser**. This widget lists four biological processes for our selected genes. Say we are interested in finding out more about *monosaccharide transmembrane transport* as this term has a high enrichment rate. To learn more about which genes are annotated to this GO term, select it in the view and observe the results in a **Data Table**, where we see all the genes participating in this process listed. The other output of **GO Browser** widget is enrichment report, which we observe in the second **Data Table**. ![](images/go_browser/GO-Browser-Example.png)