============ Marker Genes ============ We provide access to two different databases (of marker genes): - `PanglaoDB `_ - `CellMarker `_ Data is preprocessed in Orange readable format and it is hosted `here `_. To get marker genes we need access files on our http file server. We can use a `tool `_ that handles just that. Detailed explanation on how to use it can be found :doc:`here. ` Usage ===== >>> from Orange.data import Table >>> from orangecontrib.bioinformatics.utils import serverfiles >>> markers = serverfiles.localpath_download('marker_genes', 'panglao_gene_markers.tab') >>> data = Table(markers) >>> data >>> [[] {Mouse, CTRB1, Acinar cells, PanglaoDB, https://panglaodb.se/, ...}, [] {Mouse, KLK1, Acinar cells, PanglaoDB, https://panglaodb.se/, ...}, [] {Mouse, RBPJL, Acinar cells, PanglaoDB, https://panglaodb.se/, ...}, [] {Mouse, PTF1A, Acinar cells, PanglaoDB, https://panglaodb.se/, ...}, [] {Mouse, TRY4, Acinar cells, PanglaoDB, https://panglaodb.se/, ...}, ... ]