.. py:currentmodule:: orangecontrib.bioinformatics.go .. py:module:: orangecontrib.bioinformatics.go ============= Gene Ontology ============= Provides access to `Gene Ontology`_ and its gene annotations. .. _Gene Ontology: http://geneontology.org/ Class References ================= .. autoclass:: Ontology() :members: defined_slims_subsets, named_slims_subset, set_slims_subset, slims_for_term, extract_super_graph, extract_sub_graph, __getitem__, __len__, __iter__, __contains__ .. autoclass:: Term() .. attribute:: id The term id. .. attribute:: namespace The namespace of the term. .. attribute:: def_ The term definition (Note the use of trailing underscore to avoid conflict with a python keyword). .. attribute:: is_a List of term ids this term is a subterm of (parent terms). .. attribute:: related List of (rel_type, term_id) tuples with rel_type specifying the relationship type with term_id. .. autoclass:: Annotations() :members: :member-order: bysource :exclude-members: set_ontology, load, Load, parse_file, ParseFile, RemapGenes, AddAnnotation, DrawEnrichmentGraph, GetAllAnnotations, GetAllGenes, GetAnnotatedTerms, GetEnrichedTerms, GetGeneNamesTranslator, GetOntology, SetOntology, aliasMapper, allAnnotations, geneAnnotations, geneNames, geneNamesDict, termAnnotations .. autoclass:: AnnotationRecord() :members: Usage ===== Load the ontology and print out some terms:: from orangecontrib.bioinformatics import go ontology = go.Ontology() term = ontology["GO:0097194"] # execution phase of apoptosis # print a term print(term) # access fields by name print(term.id, term.name) # note the use of underscore due to a conflict with a python def keyword print(term.def_) Searching the annotation (part of :download:`code/go/gene_annotations.py`) .. literalinclude:: code/go/gene_annotations.py Term enrichment (part of :download:`code/go/enrichment.py`) .. literalinclude:: code/go/enrichment.py