.. py:currentmodule:: orangecontrib.bioinformatics.dicty.phenotypes .. index:: mutant phenotypes .. index:: phenotypes .. index:: single: D. dictyostelium; mutants =============================== D. discoideum Mutant Phenotypes =============================== This modules provides an interface to `Dictyostelium mutant phenotypes `_ data from the `dictyBase `_. The mutants are presented as :obj:`DictyMutant` objects with their respective name, strain descriptor, associated genes and associated phenotypes. Usage ===== >>> from orangecontrib.bio.dicty.phenotypes import * >>> # Create a set of all mutant objects >>> dicty_mutants = mutants() >>> # List a set of all genes referenced by a single mutant >>> print(mutant_genes(dicty_mutants[0])) ['acbA'] >>> # List a set of all phenotypes referenced by a single mutant >>> print(mutant_phenotypes(dicty_mutants[0])) ['decreased lipid binding'] Function References =================== .. automodule:: orangecontrib.bioinformatics.dicty.phenotypes :members: :member-order: bysource